महाराष्ट्र शासन

Early Childhood Education Section

Early Childhood Education Section


The recents scientific research has proved that the 0 to 6 years is the most significant period in everyons life. This is the crucial period where emotional, social and intellectual developements of a child takes place. A child acquires many motor skills during the period as brain growth is very fast. Attudes and emotional reactions are also learnt, acquisition of new habits take p[lace during this period. All thease learnt things reflect in the change of behavioural pattern which is more or less permanent. Therefore a purposeful scientific instruction to the children of that age group will lead to all around developemen. Therefore process. Social reformers, educationists and the common man too has accepted the importance of early childhood education.

General Objectives :
  1. To plan district level training
  2. Fot the extension and development of the early childhood Education, participation and involvements of NGOs and voluntary organization is needed. The department coordinates the activities with the help of thease norganizations.
  3. New concepts and thought are introduced to balwadi tais and anganwadi tais during the training.
  4. Teaching aids are helpful to make the teaching process more effective and interesting. Training courses are arranged, where balwadi tais and anganwadi tais learn to prelare simple audio video aids.training material is also developed in few workshops.
  5. To understand the diffrence between growth and developments.
  6. To introduce balwadi tais and anganwadi tais to healthy habits, helth and balanced diet.
  7. A regular attendance of a child in balwadi helps to develop interest about the school
  8. To prepare the syllabus of early childhood education.
  9. To develop study/training material like handbook for various training programmes of project officers, balwadi tais and anganwadi tais, supervisors etc.
  10. To develop joyful activities to facilitate the instruction of early childhood age-group education.
  11. To introduce various stages and history of early childhood Education.

Programmes during the year 2011-12.

The artical 45 of the indian constitution says about compulsory pre-primary education for the age group 6 to 14. The 86th amendment to the constitution widens the responsibility of the Govt, making early childhood Education compulsary as well as for the age group 3 to 6 years. Government introduced the act of free compulsary primary education upto 14 years of age in the year 2009. The implementation of that act in the state of maharashtra was the first step.later MSCERT developed the curriculum/syllabus of early childhood education. MSCERT was declared as the main body for the training purpose of balwadi tais and anganwadi tais.
MSCERT AND UNICEF jointly organized a training programme for CDPOs, anganwadi tais& anganwadi supervisors at central institute of road transport, bhosari pune nasik highway, pune.
Lecturers in thye departments attended the workshop organized by MSCERT. The director, MSCERT had his valuable contributions tn the meeting organized by hon. Minister of education. Training modules were developed, also audio-visual progrmmes were edited and CDs were distributed to the partcipants.
Study tours were organized to observe innovative experiments in the field of early childhood Education. Nayi Tamil SEVAGRAM, Vardha Shishuvihar, Dhruv Balak Mandir, Yavatmal. Centre for learning resources, pune, conducting mulshi anganwadi , Gali gali sim sim at mumbai are the few places visited by the departmental in all futher training programmes all these activities lead to the enrichment of ECE in the state.

Training Plan :

The training material was developed on the basis of curriculum made by the department. Training modules were also developed.
The advance of Rs. 10,00,000/- from UNICEF mumbai was received for material development and syllabus ( printing ) but we could utilize only Rs. 8.25 lacs there is Rs 95,000/- balance outstanding of ECE in the account of SBTE.

Sr no month During of training Details.
1 April 7/4/2011 1 day Outlay & design of frount page of handbook for ECE.
2 june 15& 16/2011 2 days Planning of pilot project for balwadi/anganwadi tais.
3 August 30/8/2011 1 day Planning of pilot project for balwadi/anganwadi tais.
4 September 15&16/9/2011 2 days Meeting along with UNICEFF offcers for training balwadi/anganwadi tais.
5 September 23/9/2011 1 day Meeting alongwith UNICEFF offcers for training balwadi/anganwadi tais.
6 September 29/9/2011 1 day Meeting in council for development of questionnaire for balwadi/anganwadi tais.
7 October 5/10/2011 1 day Finalization of press copy of questionnaire in the council.
8 October 11 to 13/10/2011 3 days Meeting for Planning of training for Anganwadi tais / Balwadi tais in the council.
9 October 14/10/2011 1 day Meeting for Planning of training at state level for anganwadi tais / balwadi tais in council
10 October 17/10/2011 1 day Meeting for Planning of training at state level for anganwadi tais / balwadi tais in the council framing of time table.
11 October 20/10/2011 1 day Meeting for Planning of training at state level for anganwadi tais / balwadi tais in the council and allotting topic-units to experts for further lectures according to time table.
12 October 21/10/2011 1 day Meeting for Planning of training at state level for anganwadi tais / balwadi tais in the council
13 November 14/11/2011 1 day Meeting with UNICEF offcers for planning of further programmes.
14 December 12/12/2011 1 day Meeting on pilot project in the council.
15 February 1/2/2010 1 day Meeting for developments of training material editing of CDs, DVDs etc.
16 February 9/2/2012 1 day Meeting for developments of training material editing of CDs, DVDs etc.
17 February 11/2/2012 1 day Meeting for developments of training material editing of CDs, DVDs etc.
18 February 13-18/2/2012 1 day Meeting for developments of training material editing of CDs, DVDs etc.
19 February 20-25-/2/2012 6 day Meeting for developments of training material,editing of CDs, DVDs etc.
20 March 19/3/2012. 1 day Workshop to develop training modules for training of CDPOs and supervisors.

Annexure - 6

Material published during 2011-12 by early childhood education section
Sr.no Material published No of.copies
1 E C E handbook- bhashanubhav 2500
2 E C E handbook- parisar parichay and vidnyananubhav 2500
3 E C E handbook sharirik va karak vikar 2500
4 E C E handbook- vachan, lekhan va ganan siddhata 2500
5 E C E handbook- kalanubhav, sarjanshilata, soundarya srushticha vikas. 2500

Annexure - 7

Training/workshop/seminars attended in the state and out of state. ( Except MSCERT)
Sr.no Training/workshop/seminars/meeting etc venue date Name of the officers who attended
1 Training programme for Anganwadi Tais/Balwadi tais CCRT Bhosari pune 31/10/11 to 5/11/11 Mrs.lata sanap lecturer
2 Training programme for Anganwadi Tais/Balwadi tais CCRT Bhosari pune 14/11/11 to 19/11/22 Mrs.lata sanap lecturer
3 Workshop on child care and nurturing mangements NCERT NEW DELHI 16/1/2012 to 20/1/2012 Mrs.lata sanap lecturer
4 Developments norms for pre-school admissions,admission fees syllabus etc-commitee meeting. Mantralay mumbai 21/2/2012 Shri. N.K jarag Director Mrs.lata sanap lecture
5 Study tour to vardha, yavatmal for observing the work of voluntary agencies. Vardha
nayi tamil
9/4/2012 & 10/4/2012 Dr. Shakuntala kale I/C
Jt. Director
Shri.P.L surduse
Section head; Mrs.lata sanap lecturer
6 Study tour to Ahmedabad. Ahmedabad 28/11/2011 To 30/11/2011 Dr. Shakuntala kale I/C
Jt. Director
Shri. Dinkar patil, jt.D